Ehime Free Wi-Fi Project Outline
The Ehime Prefecture Public Wireless LAN Promotion Council is a collaborative effort involving industry, academia and government sectors. The purpose of the council is to help the private sector establish and operate free Wi-Fi spots in Ehime prefecture and offer the convenience of Wi-Fi service to tourists from overseas and other prefectures in addition to local citizens, as well as to promote local communications and activities in Ehime Prefecture through the "Ehime Free Wi-Fi Project."

SSID, Logo
The free public wireless LAN, "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" uses the following SSID and logo in all spots to create user-friendly environments.
(1) SSID "Ehime_Free_Wi-Fi"
(2) A Logo sticker (Right)
Use "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" in places like these.
For actual "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" Service Spots, please check "Search from map" or "Search from list " page.
- Tourist offices
- Tourist facilities
- Airports & Ports
- Roadside Rest Areas (Michi-no-Eki)
- Cycle oasis
- Restaurants & Cafes
- Hotels & Inns
- Department stores & Shopping centers
- Shopping arcades
- Retailers
- Banks
- Prefectual offices & City halls & Town offices etc.

There are spots offering services by vending machines with Wi-Fi.
(Case) Ehime prefectural office (Company that offer the service : West Alliance Co,. Ltd. (Link to other websites))
Businesses participating in the project
Businesses | Main contents |
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone West Corporation (NTT West) | (NTT West): Allows access to its own Wi-Fi service, DoSPOT to "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" users. |
Ehime CATV, Inc. | USEN: Offers service in Matsuyama City and other areas. (The SSID, "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" was added at Wi-Fi spots where USEN has been offering its own Wi-Fi service with a SSID.) Wireless System: Development and maintenance using WiMAx and MVNO |
heart@network, Co., Ltd. | Offers service in Niihama City and Saijo City. (The SSID, "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" was added at Wi-Fi spots where it has been offering its own Wi-Fi service with a SSID.) |
USEN Corporation | Allows access to its own Wi-Fi service, USEN SPOT to "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" users. |
SoftBank Corp. | Allows access to its own Wi-Fi service, FREE Wi-Fi PASSPORT to "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" users. |
Wire and Wireless Co., Ltd. | Allows access to its own Wi-Fi service, Wi2 to "Ehime Free Wi-Fi" users. |
STNet Inc. | Offers other participating businesses its preexisting transmission wireless lines. Offers the Wi-Fi Service in conjunction with Wire and Wireless Co., Ltd. |
Shikoku Chuo Television | Offers other participating businesses its preexisting transmission wireless lines. |
Imabari CATV Co., Ltd. | Offers other participating businesses its preexisting transmission wireless lines. |
Vending machine businesses and others Suntory Beverage Service Limited. Elecom Co., Ltd. DyDo Drinco, Inc. Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd. Takeshou Co., Ltd. West Alliance Co,. Ltd. Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. FV Japan Co., Ltd. and other companies |
Offers service with a Wi-Fi router built inside of (or placed adjacent to) a vending machine. |
FREESPOT Committee | Provides support to businesses which intend to offer the service on their own. |
In addition to the above, some facility owners participate voluntarily in the Ehime Free Wi-Fi program to provide free Wi-Fi service.
For details, refer to the list of service providers (Group E) (PDF:605KB).
Major Free Wi-Fi Service Providers (And Facility Names)
- * Machidukuri-MATSUYAMA Co., Ltd. (Okaido Shopping Arcade, Gintengai Shopping Arcade, others)
- * Fuji Co., Ltd. (Fuji Grand Matsuyama, others)
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